Watch Cleaning

Why clean your watch?

To keep your watch looking fresh and bright it is important to have it regularly cleaned.

Over time your watch can begin to dull. The slight openings between the links of metal bracelets are magnets for settling dust and dirt, which over time, can lead to wear or even corrosion.

Even with water-resistant designs your watch can be susceptible to rust due to swimming or even just regular sweating.

Wrist Watch
Watch Desk

We will…

Using a variety of gentle tools we will clean the face and the case. In terms of watch cleaning fluid, again a gentle, non corrosive solution normally will suffice.

We are careful not to submerge your watch fully underwater during cleaning but instead will carefully use lightly moisten a cloth or cotton bud.

Where possible, we will remove the straps from your watch before cleaning as this will improve the final result.

You metal bracelet will also be cleaned with the same care as your watch face and case.

Leather straps will be cleaned with a damp cloth to remove dirt and sweat which can degrade the material.

To speak to us about your needs, you can find the details on our contact us page.